Interesting Facts About 4-Wheel and All-Wheel Drive Vehicles

December 20th, 2017 by

Have you ever wondered why 4-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles are so popular? This is something that many people contemplate, and some of them have thought enough about it to settle on which is their favorite. Here are some interesting facts about these vehicles, from our team at North Bakersfield Toyota:

  • All-wheel drive vehicles are small enough to get into tight spaces like parking spots with which larger vehicles have problems.
  • Larger 4-wheel drive vehicles have equally large towing capacities and additional cargo space.
  • All-wheel vehicles come with the crossover, sedan, and SUV models.
  • 4-wheel drive is a typical feature of larger SUVs and some pickup trucks.
  • All-wheel vehicles are ideal for those who travel over rough terrain routinely.
  • 4-wheel vehicles blaze trains and navigate slick surfaces with much ease.

To get a better picture of what you can do with either of these vehicle types, visit our showroom in Bakersfield, CA for the assistance you need. You won't regret having that conversation.

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