Tips for Safe Holiday Travel

December 3rd, 2017 by

The holidays are here again and travel is on everybody’s mind. Whether it’s just across town or all the way across the country, safety is a major concern. Arriving safely at your destination is important to you and it is to us, as well, at North Bakersfield Toyota in Bakersfield, CA. So, we’ve put together a short list of tips and hints to make your holiday travel more enjoyable and safer:

  1. Plan ahead and avoid roads near malls, airports, and other busy places.
  2. Shop early to avoid crowds.
  3. Travel early.
  4. Properly prepare your vehicle for the trip.

So, come on down to North Bakersfield Toyota Toyota and let us check out your vehicle before you leave for your holiday road trip. We'll make sure it's in tip-top shape so that you and your family stay safe.

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